Investment Management 


We manage investments for you according to your needs, values, goals and desires and make sure that they’re performing as needed. Even a 1% difference in investment return can significantly matter over time.

Our advisory services are fee-based and are based upon a percentage of an account value. That means we may earn more if your account value increases. However, because we are a fiduciary, we have a responsibility to put your financial interests ahead of our own.

As a Valmark Advisers member firm, we offer our clients exclusive access to TOPS®, one of the longest-running and most successful ETF portfolio management programs in the country. The TOPS® method is to diversify among asset classes that are designed to reduce investor risk and maximize returns using closely-monitored ETFs. We call this, Active Indexing.

TOPS® uses a variety of risk-based portfolios, composed primarily of ETFs that represent numerous asset classes – from conservative to aggressive.

You can get started in the TOPS® Core program by investing as little as $10,000.

For more detailed information about TOPS® and their process, view or download the TOPS® brochure by clicking the button below.

Want to see how different asset classes perform in the TOPS® Program?

This Callan Chart, provided by Valmark Advisers, demonstrates historical asset class performance and clearly illustrates how the performance of each asset class changed over time:

This is the latest Callan Chart for the TOPS Fund.

Are you interested in learning more about how our approach to Investment Management may help you?

 To learn more about our approach to Investment Management and/or The TOPS® Program, fill our our contact form below, and we’ll reply to you, answer your questions and discus your needs, desires and goals.


Capital Formation Group, Inc.